Those with endometriosis - or Endo Warriors as we call them - not only endure crippling pain from their condition, they face ignorance and even prejudice. We aim to alter that and support both Warriors and their families. As it can take SEVEN YEARS to diagnose the condition, we also strive for better healthcare.
Dr Anita Sharma MD, is a Greater Manchester family doctor and a national expert in women's health. She is also the founder of our campaign. She has already campaigned via the media for greater mental health support for Endo Warriors and has spoken at many high-profile medical events calling for better treatment of endometriosis.
Courtney Ormrod is our campaign ambassador and an Endo Warrior of extraordinary bravery. Losing a career in teaching due to the condition and in almost constant physical pain, she has spoken at large medical gatherings and represented the charity at major fundraising events.
Cllr Arooj Shah is one of local government's most prominent voices. As the first Muslim woman to lead a council in the North of England, she is a trailblazer who combines a unique perspective with a passion for social justice.
A lifelong resident of Oldham, Arooj has been at the forefront of local politics for more than a decade. She has been Leader of Oldham Council since May 2023, after first serving as Leader from May 2021 to May 2022. She is also the Equalities Lead at Greater Manchester Combined Authority and chairs the Local Government Association's Children and Young People's Board. These positions reflect her dedication to empowering both individuals and communities, and ensuring their voices are heard.
Arooj also holds the Building a Better Oldham cabinet portfolio, where she drives forward ambitious regeneration projects, and shapes the borough's overall strategy. Her portfolio allows her to channel her passion for tackling inequality and poverty into real improvements for Oldham's diverse communities.
Miss Gaity Ahmad is a Consultant Gynaecologist and Obstetrician with over 20 years experience, with special interest in pelvic pain and endometriosis. She also has extensive experience in general gynaecology and specialist training in minimal access surgery.
Pete Gibson is a PR and communications expert of 30 years standing. He formed our campaign with Dr Sharma after hearing Courtney's story. Pete is also part of the Homeless-Friendly charity which organised the world's first vaccine clinic for rough sleepers.
Margaret Heywood has played a prominent role in Patient Participation Groups, offering their perspective on how health services are delivered. She now runs our education on period health.
Dr Ken Ma is a consultant gynaecologist at St. Mary's Hospital Manchester. He specialises in severe endometriosis and is one of the BSGE accredited surgeons in the endometriosis centre in central Manchester. He specialises in advanced laparoscopic surgery, severe endometriosis , subfertility and early pregnancy complications. He is the principal investigator in Manchester for the REGAL trial which is looking at what the best treatment is for women who has recurrence of endometriosis. He loves education in surgery and emergency gynaecology.
Endo warrior Siobhan Kennett is our Secretary and Campaign Ambassador. A former Metrolink worker, her experiences of the physical and mental health issues connected with endo are catalogued candidly on our Endo Diaries page.
Mr Andrew Pickersgill MB ChB, MRCOG, MD is a Consultant Gynaecologist and obstetrician at the Alexandra Hospital in Greater Manchester, specialising in endometriosis/pelvic pain, heavy periods and infertility.
Nurse Lucy Bowker is an extraordinary endo warrior and one of our campaign ambassadors. Over the years, she somehow countered a haemorrhage, hospital infections and remarkably managed to give birth!
Also on the team (with biogs coming soon)
Caroline Yates---Treasurer
Susan Richardson - Education, Period Health
James and Janet Kennett - Fundraisers